Your Clinicians
Practice Nurses:
Practice Manager:
Deputy PM:
Dr O.D. Abazie MBBS
Dr C.U. Ogaziechi MBBch, DrCOph
Dr B. Okon MBBS, FRCGP, DFSRH, PgDp Medical Education
Janice Butcher & Mary Harris
Wendy Reynolds
Mrs Karen Allen
Mrs Wendy Eighteen
Your Confidential Information
Information about you and the care you receive is shared, in a secure system, by healthcare staff to support your treatment and cure. If you would like to opt out of the scheme, please contact the surgery reception.
The Practice abides by strict rules of confidentiality and care is taken in the transmission of sensitive data.
How Do I Register?
Providing you reside within our practice area, you can register with us. It's easy! Simply visit the surgery and complete a registration form for each new patient. On completion of the form, please allow 72 hours before requesting an appointment. If you require emergency treatment, please speak to the receptionist. You will be asked to make a 'new patient check' (for adults and children over 14 only). You will be asked to make a new patient appointment with the GP especially if you are on medication.
How Can I Change My Details?
It is very important that you notify us immediately of any changes of name, address or telephone number. There are many reasons why we may need to contact you. If you change your name by marriage or Deed Poll we will require a copy of the documentation for our records.
Temporary Residents
We provide a temporary patient service for anyone staying within our practice area. This could be whilst on holiday, staying with relatives etc. Just call into the surgery, fill in one of our temporary resident forms and we will assist you.
Appointment System
All consultations are by appointment and should be made at reception or by telephone during opening hours. Please book well in advance for routine appointments.
Antenatal, postnatal and surgical procedures need longer appointments. Do ask the receptionist if you are uncertain. Please wear loose clothing. Please inform reception if you would like a chaperone.
Appointment booked on the day
If you need to be seen on the day please phone the surgery from 8am until 9.30am and you will be given a telephone appointment, where you will speak to a clinician and if you need to be seen face to face the clinician will give you a time to come in. Open clinic can only be booked via the telephone. The morning clinics are first come first served unless an emergency occurs.
Chaperone Policy
A chaperone is a person who is present during a physical examination as a safeguard for all parties (patient and practitioners) and is a witness to continuing consent for the procedure. Click here to download our chaperone policy.
Home Visits
If you require a home visit please telephone the receptionist as early as possible, stating clearly the patient’s name, address and telephone number, the degree of urgency and the directions. If your visit is accepted, a decision will be made as to which doctor visits; this may not be the doctor you are registered with. Please note however, that home visits are extremely time-consuming so we would appreciate it if patients try as hard as possible to come to the surgery.
Please note: Visits may be made my a paramedic or a HCA instead of a GP.
​Advice on Self Certification
Any patient off sick from work for any length of time can self certify for the first seven calendar days. Only after then will you require a medical certificate signed by your doctor.
Zero Tolerance
In line with NHS Guidelines we operate a policy of zero tolerance regarding physical or verbal abuse to the doctors, their staff or anyone else on the premises. In the event of such behaviour the police will be called and arrangements will be made for that person/s to be removed from the premises and the practice list.
Complaints Procedure
The doctors and staff at Tollesbury Surgery endeavour to deliver high quality care. However, it may be that a patient feels he or she has a complaint. In these circumstances any such complaint will be fully investigated.
How to Complain:
Initially contact the Practice manager by hand written letter and post/hand in at Tollesbury Surgery or email to
If you are not satisfied with the response, you can contact the MSE ICB ( Mid & South Essex Integrated Care Board) which is the organisation responsible for commissioning Primary Care Services in this area.
Complaints and concerns Team,
NHS Mid & South Essex ICB,
Phoenix Court,
Christopher Martin Road,
Essex, SS14 3HG
Clinical services we offer
Minor surgery, Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Cholesterol checks, Weight loss clinics, Asthma, Chronic obstructive airways disease, Phlebotomy, Maternity, Vaccinations and contraceptive advice, wound care and suture removal. Children of 5 years and under are offered Child Health Screening.
We provide a service for the fitting and removal of both intrauterine devices (coils) and contraceptive implants during surgery hours. Please call the surgery to make an initial appointment with Dr. Okon.
All our doctors offer maternity services and post natal checks and have recognised experience in Child Health Screening. The doctors will carry out the first Baby Check at 8 weeks and a post natal check. Baby’s first immunisation at 8 weeks will be given by our Practice Nurses who will also give subsequent immunisations and childhood vaccinations.
Named GP
From April 2015 all practices are required to provide their patients with a named accountable GP who will have overall responsibility for the care and support that the surgery provides to them.
As we now have over 4,000 registered patients it would be an impossible task to inform you all individually by letter, and ask that should you wish to know who your GP is please speak to our receptionists who will gladly give you this information. Having a named GP does not prevent you from seeing any other GP in the practice at any time.
Should you wish to change your named GP in the future please contact us and arrangements can be made. You do not need to take any further action, but if you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further, please telephone 01621 869204 or email, prescriptions.f81076@nhs.net
GP Earnings
The average pay for GP's working at Tollesbury Surgery in the last financial year before tax and national insurance is £72,273.
This is for 2 full time GP's and 1 locum doctor who worked in the practice for more than 6 months.
It should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and should not be used to form a judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)
PALS are open 9am-5pm and can be contact on 01245 459459.
The NHS expects all members of staff to listen and respond to you to the best of their ability. But sometimes, you may wish to talk to someone employed especially to help you. The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, known as PALS, has been introduced to ensure that the NHS listens to patients, their relatives, carers and friends, and answers their questions and resolves their concerns as quickly as possible.
PALS also helps the NHS to improve services by listening to what matters to patients and their loved ones and making changes, when appropriate.
Patient Forms
Download - Medical Certificate Request Form
(For the first 7 days of absence from work due to ill health or injury you can complete a self-certificate. If you are absent from work due to ill health for more than 7 days please complete a request for a medical certificate. Please allow 48 hrs for your request to be processed.)
Download - Repeat Prescription Request
Download - Consent Form
New Patient Registration Forms (please complete both):